Thursday, October 30, 2008

Butterfly Eye

I've always been told i have really long eyelashes, well for Halloween this year I decided to be a butterfly. I don't know why probably merely for the cliche aspect of it, all of thoughs generic coustume ideas, a clown, a ghost, a vampire, an insect of some sort made into a cute cuddley creature. Anywho it just popped into my head that this year I would be a butterfly. Well here it is the day before Halloween and i'm just polishing up my costume. The only thing I really had to do was put on my fake eyelashes. Two years ago i bought a set and i just loved wearing them, so this year i was kind of tight on cash so i just bought the single clumps of lashes. I just spent the last hour of my life staring into a mirror squishing and streaching my eyes to get these dumb things to stick on. But triumphant i was and dang, it was tuff! but I love them, I only stratigicly placed them on the outer corners to that i have these big floppy lashes out there. They look awesome and I'll for sure post some pictures of costume!