Monday, November 24, 2008

It took me FOREVER! but as promised here are some of my Halloween pictures. no one was able to take pictures of me tll i got to work so you'll see me with my former co-worker Diana Giesick(the clown) and Karen Bollomini(the bee). we tried to get Diana to be a Dragonfly but see wasn't up for an insect trio!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Butterfly Eye

I've always been told i have really long eyelashes, well for Halloween this year I decided to be a butterfly. I don't know why probably merely for the cliche aspect of it, all of thoughs generic coustume ideas, a clown, a ghost, a vampire, an insect of some sort made into a cute cuddley creature. Anywho it just popped into my head that this year I would be a butterfly. Well here it is the day before Halloween and i'm just polishing up my costume. The only thing I really had to do was put on my fake eyelashes. Two years ago i bought a set and i just loved wearing them, so this year i was kind of tight on cash so i just bought the single clumps of lashes. I just spent the last hour of my life staring into a mirror squishing and streaching my eyes to get these dumb things to stick on. But triumphant i was and dang, it was tuff! but I love them, I only stratigicly placed them on the outer corners to that i have these big floppy lashes out there. They look awesome and I'll for sure post some pictures of costume!

Monday, September 29, 2008

school today

School today went by pretty fast first i had Art, and thats always a good time, we drew eggs with charcoal. then i had an hour break until my geology class so i went to the UC lounge and hung out then took a little nap for like 1/2 hour. then i went to geology, we have a midterm on wednesday, time has flown so fast! then i had another hour break, this nap was like 45 minutes! next math... easy stuff. then yet another hour break till my geology lab this time i only got like 10 minutes of sleep. My geology lab was so hot it had to be atleast 85 degrees in that class room and the first 20 minutes drug by so slowly, but then picked up and i got out of there as fast as i could. i was going to go to a Disney College Program seminar but i was sweating really bad and quite tired so i came home and now i'm procrastinating so that i don't have to make a mess with my art homework, i have to draw a scene with at least 5 itemes in it but i have to do it with charcoal then take my eraser and show shading and depth so i guess i'll get on that now.