Monday, September 29, 2008

school today

School today went by pretty fast first i had Art, and thats always a good time, we drew eggs with charcoal. then i had an hour break until my geology class so i went to the UC lounge and hung out then took a little nap for like 1/2 hour. then i went to geology, we have a midterm on wednesday, time has flown so fast! then i had another hour break, this nap was like 45 minutes! next math... easy stuff. then yet another hour break till my geology lab this time i only got like 10 minutes of sleep. My geology lab was so hot it had to be atleast 85 degrees in that class room and the first 20 minutes drug by so slowly, but then picked up and i got out of there as fast as i could. i was going to go to a Disney College Program seminar but i was sweating really bad and quite tired so i came home and now i'm procrastinating so that i don't have to make a mess with my art homework, i have to draw a scene with at least 5 itemes in it but i have to do it with charcoal then take my eraser and show shading and depth so i guess i'll get on that now.


Unknown said...

nice of you to let me know you started a blog...instead you stalk me!!!! I hope things are going well with you...I never know when to call anymore becasue I don't know if you're at school or work or sleeping. Tell Tyler Hi for with ya later!

Becky said...

When did this blog become public? Never new it existed until I realized I had 2 followers (you and Dane). Keep it up. It's fun!

Anonymous said...

Hey kid, I accidently found that you were following me.... nice blog...this is really fun! Hope school is going well. Love ya

Danegar Nutz said...

I didn't even understand what half of that meant...bow chica wow wow.

Becky said...

now why the heck did you even bother creating one of these if you don't add to it? I'm sure I'm not the only one who cares to know what you have been up to!