Monday, November 24, 2008

It took me FOREVER! but as promised here are some of my Halloween pictures. no one was able to take pictures of me tll i got to work so you'll see me with my former co-worker Diana Giesick(the clown) and Karen Bollomini(the bee). we tried to get Diana to be a Dragonfly but see wasn't up for an insect trio!


Daniela Anderson said...

@Angela welcome to the TWILIGHT ZONE.
New Moon for me was a little boring just because I want it to read about Edward, but it really was a good book,I too could't put it down, and it will be the same with Eclipse and Breaking Dawn.
I get all my info from
awesome website.
Would you be interested in a trip to forks for the filming of New Moon? I'm trying to see if I can make it next summer or when they start filming it.
Oh!!!I do have Eclipse if you want it read it, Breaking Dawn is In Provo with Jennifer.
It really nice to own your books because you'll read them over and over again.

Becky said...

Cute costume! I love the wings!

AubsandKenny said...

I love your costume!!!